Here are flash fiction markets I ran in the February 2013 issue of Flash Fiction Flash (the newsletter for flash literature).
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Flash Fiction Flash February 2013 Issue Markets:
Submit your short story collection. Include a table of contents and the first two stories in the collection. If we are interested, we will request more. Please do not submit entire manuscripts. Payment: $250 advance against royalties. Deadline: ongoing.
A-Minor Press is open for submissions from February 1 to April 30, 2013. They're looking for novella, flash or short fiction collections and mixed-genre or poetry collections. "For fiction, we are partial to surrealist dreamscapes. Realist fiction is welcome if it's dark and quirky. For poetry, we lean toward the lyrical, eccentric, ambivalent and wildly imaginative. For mixed genre work, your manuscript may be a novella of poetic fictions, a mix of flash fiction/prose poetry that harmonize, or whatever you have to surprise us." Pays: "We offer industry standard royalties and author's copies."
Ancient Paths is currently considering submissions of flash fiction of up to 500 words for online publication on its Facebook page. Pays contributor's copy. (Pays more for longer work.) All work should have a spiritual theme (explicit or implicit).
COMPRESSED FICTION compressed fiction, poetry, prose poetry, creative nonfiction, mixed media, visual arts. Pays $50.
Deadline: April 15, 2013
DAILY SCIENCE FICTION speculative fiction stories from 100 to 10,000 words in length (science fiction, fantasy, slipstream, etc.) and has a growing need for flash, stories of 1,000 or fewer words. Pays 8 cents per word (and the right to pay 5 cents more for reprints in themed Daily Science Fiction anthologies.)
DESCANT for Submissions: Berlin
In 2014, Berlin will commemorate its 25th anniversary of the fall of the wall and the reunification of the city.
Descant aims to take part in this celebration by welcoming submissions of unpublished fiction, poetry, essays and art pieces that speak to the mythology, memory and identity of Berlin - in all its various incarnations.
Deadline: August 16, 2013.
Pays $100.
ESCAPE POD short stories between 2,000 and 6,000 words. (Sweet spot: between 3,500 and 5,000 words.) Pay $.05 a word for new fiction at this length, $.03 a word for reprints. ($100 minimum payment) Also buy flash fiction, on occasion, and pay the same rates. ($20 minimum)
FLASH FICTION ONLINE stories from 500 to 1,000 words. Pays $50.
OVER MY DEAD BODY "taut, absorbing, original work"-- all related to the mystery genre. Accepts work 750- 4,000 words. Pays $.01 for fiction, $10-25 total for unsolicited nonfiction.
PHANTOM DRIFT!guidelines
Seeking fabulist flash fiction and short stories. Want stories that "favor the unusual over the usual; we like stories that create a milieu where anything can happen. Stories can take the form of myth or fable."
Pays $10-25 for flash fiction to 2000 words and $50 for fiction 2001-6500 words, plus 1 contributor copy.
POD CASTLE Fiction: We will sometimes podcast short five-to-ten minute "bonus"
pieces between our weekly main episodes. These stories can be up to 1,000 words. Flash pieces are frequently quirkier and more experimental than our weekly features. We pay $20 for flash fiction. Prefer reprints, or works with a prior publication credit.
Seeks horror. Flash Fiction: We sometimes podcast short five-to-ten minute "bonus" pieces between our weekly main episodes. For this we're looking at fiction under 1,500 words, with a sweet spot between 500 and 1000 words. Yes, that's really really short. That's the point. Our flash pieces are frequently quirkier and more experimental than our weekly features. We pay $20 for flash fiction.
Seeks quality flash romance fiction under 1,000 words. Can send up to three stories (each submitted separately). Pays $3 (through PayPal only).
Looking for stories that "go beyond the real" and which take on a southern setting, origin, or culture.
Theme: A Surreal Lost and Found ("in this edition . . . we're looking for stories of impossible finds, or of unthinkable losses." Consider prose fiction of 1,000 to 7,000 words. (They also consider previously published work.)
Deadline: May 1, 2013. Pays one copy of the anthology.
VESTAL REVIEW varies with length -- see for details. Accepts flash fiction up to 500 words
Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter right away so you can get the markets featured in the March 2013 issue (to be sent out in the next day or two).